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Thursday, September 4, 2014

Submited again with a new magazine.

I have submitted "The Battle of Giza" to a E-Magazine named "Perihelion Science Fiction" I will get a reply in one to two months. and I hope it will be good. While that is going on, I will go on with my Novella "Murder on a City-World" and I hope to submit it to Analog, Asimov's or Fantasy and Science Fiction. I will try try with Fantasy and Science Fiction first so all of you cross your fingers.

Also I hope that you people will follow me for updates and if you will like my works of fiction that will start appearing soon.

Signed: Clint de Henri van Hoyt.

The Battle of Giza rejected again.

got my reply from Asimov's and it is a rejection letter. I am going to try another magazine to try and publish my story.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

New work in Progress.

I am announcing that I am working on a Novella that I plan on submitting to Analog Science Fiction and Fact. the novella, titled "Murder on a City-World" is still being worked on and I hope to get it done before October of this year.

It is a Sci-Fi crime Mystery and will be the start of a series of stories that I have planned for the future. I hope this will be a good one to submit to Analog so keep your fingers crossed!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Submitted to Asimov

I have submitted my short story "The Battle of Giza" to Asimov's Science Fiction. I am now waiting for the reply and I hope it gets accepted for being published.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Editing to be finished TODAY!!!!!

I am hoping on finishing the editing of the short story "the Battle of Giza" today. So I hope everyone is ready for when I have it Published :)

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Welcome to the official Blog

The Official blog for my written works is now up. Using my penname of 'Clint de Henri van Hoyt' I will report on my works that I am writing.

My first work that I am editing to be published on Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, 'The Battle of Giza' will be finished soon and I hope will be published before Christmas.So watch out for this Blog for updates!